It’s obvious, I am not planning the traditional wedding. So, why have traditional music? Fact: I played the violin for seven years. I was exposed to a whole new element of music in that time so I thought the wedding music selection should be handpicked. Sean, like usual, gave me free reign on music. We decided a long time ago what our first dance song will be and it is claimed under Sean’s favorites. I don’t normally like traditional, the normal, or the usual and it held true when it was time to pick the ceremony music. {If all goes as planned} from seating of the grandmothers to the last members of the bridal party exiting after the vows, thought went into each music moment.
Okay so maybe my girl Britney won’t be making a musical appearance in the ceremony but you get my point!
Cocktail music was also not going to be just fluff music – it is definitely a classy fun selection. After the wedding, I’ll post the selection, but until then it’s a secret. Keep your ears open!