Tag Archives: anniversary

It’s Better In the Bahamas!

As if we hadn’t traveled enough, we hopped on a cruise ship a few days after returning from Atlanta. We were sailing to the Bahamas to officially celebrate our first wedding anniversary. Neither of us had been and it was just what we needed!
First stop, Senor Frogs because we both know that place is always a good time! … Then, shopping!
The rest of the day we hung out at a little hotel called Atlantis.
That night, I was fully prepared to watch the wildcard playoff game. For some reason, the game wasn’t shown on the boat and thank goodness it wasn’t! It was a nasty game with a nasty call causing us to lose! Boo!
 The next day was spent on Carnival’s private island, Half Moon Cay. It was gorgeous; I’ve never seen water so clear and blue.
And what cruise would be complete without towel creations?
The Bahamas was a perfect way to celebrate an incredible year! I’m so lucky to be in love with my best friend!

First Year of Marriage Gained, A Gallbladder Lost

This time last year Sean and I were already in Georgia putting the final touches onto our wedding plans and getting ready to become Mr. and Mrs. I honestly cannot believe how fast our first year of marriage went!
People always say the first year of marriage is the hardest. And now that’s it’s been a year (in three days) I can attest to that; it was really hard but also really great. Moving into and living in a 1046 square foot space with another person and two cats was really eye opening!
I really understood the root of what a marriage was when I had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder. Most of our first year of marriage consisted of me being sick and in pain after eating. My doctors’ appointments and tests seemed to go on for ever; Sean never became impatient with me and was always there to help make me feel better. 13 days ago I finally got a solution to my problem and my gallbladder was removed. The procedure went great but I was a hot mess. Of course I packed a cute VS PINK outfit to lounge in while staying overnight in the hospital. Of course I brought my makeup. Of course I brought my pink fuzzy slippers. It’s me, okay! But no, no cute clothes, no makeup, no fuzzy slippers. It was just me and my lovely over sized hospital gown and socks. 
In my head, I didn’t know what was worse, the pain or looking like death for my husband. Even though Sean and I have been together for over four years, I still always want to look pretty for him. There was definitely no prettiness going on that day but he smiled at me and told me I looked pretty anyways.  And when I had to use the bathroom at 3am, it was Sean who woke up instantly, unplugged me from all my cords and machines, and helped me out of bed to escort me to the restroom. This surgery ordeal showed me just what a marriage really consist of – while I absolutely loved our beautiful wedding day, I felt like getting through the not-so-glamorous times together is what really makes us, us.  
It’s been almost two weeks since the surgery and I am so thankful because I am no longer sick or in pain. 
It’s been almost one year since I married my best friend and I am so thankful because I love him even more. 

“It might not always be easy, but I’ll tell you one thing – it’s always better when we’re together.”

One year down – many many more to go!